Monday, February 15, 2010

and i will talk about this year... if there was something to talk about

Super Bowl chili above.  With cornbread muffins and Surly Darkness.

As an app/side, we tried version two of the sausage burgers from before.  This time, sausage meatballs on a mushroom with basil and carmelized onion.  Reduced balsamic over that.

Um... I'm not sure what these are, Food Diary.  Probably a faulty linked image from another site.  Maybe your computer has a virus or something.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Everyday is like Sunday

Dear Food Diary,

There are things we've seen, or partially seen, that we'll always wonder about -- times where we caught a passing glimpse of something beautiful (or horrible) and quickly turned our heads.  Instead of facing the full glory of the mysterious, we backed cautiously away.

Lots of these choices, or non-choices, are life-changing.  But some just leave gnawing, insignificant questions -- questions that could have been easily answered if we had just chosen to step towards the unknown.

For instance:  Two years ago I was in line at Cub Foods behind a guy who had a cart full of beef jerky and disposable cameras.  That's it.  Two-dozen packs of beef jerky and three disposable cameras.  

Look what I've eaten recently:

That's homemade pork sausage on top of a grilled portabello mushroom, on a bun with reduced balsamic vinegar and a tomato slice.  Also some potatoes.